How to put together a winning entry

Click on the video for tips

Who Can Enter?

PRISA/PRCC members; Public relations consultancies, corporate practitioners, associations, private institutions, NGOs, government bodies and students are eligible to submit entries to the PRISM Awards.

Public relations consultancies may enter on behalf of clients and share the honours with them.

Identifying A Category

Campaigns may be local, regional, national or international in scope.

Please ensure that you enter your campaign in the correct category.

Although the same entry may be submitted in more than one category, each submission must be adapted for the specific different category entered. Clearly indicate its suitability for that particular category. Judges may refuse to assess entries not relating to the applicable category, or identical to an entry in another category.

Judging and Awards

A panel of senior practitioners, communication specialists and the media will judge entries submitted into the PRISM Awards. In considering entries, the judges may grant one or more or no awards in each category. The Judges’ decision is final.

Your Entry

  • 100 word opening statement
  • 1400 words per guidelines below (excluding the opening statement above)
  • Entries will be penalised or could be disqualified should they exceed the specified word count
  • Note the points allocated to each section of the entry. These points are on the list of categories.

Guidelines and Rules


Opening statement  (100 words)
Overall description or summary of the campaign

Statement of opportunity / problem (200 words)
Start your entry by explaining the context of your entry.

  • Explain the nature of the company or institution for which the campaign was conducted and the geographical area to be covered by the campaign.
  • Indicate the specific problem or opportunity addressed by the campaign.

Research conducted (300 words)
Indicate research that was used to determine the extent of the problem or opportunity. It can be an organisation specific or public domain research campaign. This is a key area of the campaign and sufficient attention should be focused on this aspect in your entry.

Planning the campaign (350 words)
In this section you should explain the planning that went into the campaign.

  • Indicate and motivate the overall goal and measurable output and outcome objectives set for the campaign. Output objectives relate to the tactics you plan to use and outcomes, the knowledge, attitudes or emotions and behaviours you want to create or change. Remember to state your objective in SMART terms.
  • Explain the target groups to be reached and their characteristics taken into account for this specific campaign.
  • Indicate the key and supporting messages to be communicated to the target audience/s in order to achieve the objectives.
  • Motivate the communication channels and platforms e.g. media
    type, digital, (internal and/or external) used in this campaign.
  • Explain the tactics used in the campaign to communicate the messages to the audience e.g. activities to be undertaken.
  • It is important to indicate to the judges what was unique about the approach and/or the tactics used. The WOW factor! PRISMs are not awarded to good projects, they are awarded to extraordinary projects!
  • Explain your role in the project, how you convinced management and secured support for the campaign. Indicate what was outsourced.
  • Provide a high level budget to enable the judges to determine if the ROI of the campaign was realistic and the resources were well managed.

Execution (350 words)

  • In this section you must explain how the project plan was put to action. Describe the implementation plan.
  • Indicate and motivate adjustments that were made to the plan during its implementation.
  • Describe any difficulties / challenges that were encountered and how they were addressed.

Evaluation / Measurement (150 words)
This section covers the extent to which you can indicate to the judges that you achieved the goals and objectives you set for the project upfront. The judges will look for valid and reliable results which demonstrate that the campaign achieved the goal and objectives, as described in the planning section.

Please note that Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE) evaluation is NOT considered a measurement of success.

Should you submit AVE values as part of the evaluation, please note that only a 1:1 value will be considered and that you should also submit other measurements of success.

The measurement section of your submission will be evaluated along the lines of the Barcelona Declaration Principles – check

  • Objectives should be as quantitative as possible.
  • Media measurement must be qualitative and quantitative.
  • Add value equivalence is not a valid measurement of public relations.
  • Social media can and should be measured.
  • Measuring outcomes is preferable to measuring media results.
  • Business and organisational results should be measured where possible, including metrics such as sales and revenue. Transparency and replicability are paramount


In addition to the basic criteria by which the campaigns are judged, a number of rules are to be followed in submitting an entry for evaluation:

1. Entry Document

  • The entry should not be more than twelve hundred (1 200) words. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in the entry being penalised or possibly disqualified.
  • The 1 200-word limit excludes the 100-word opening statement.
  • The opening statement will be reproduced on the PRISM website and used for social media without editing. It should provide a concise overview of the campaign and its success. (DO NOT use the words, ‘It deserves to win because…)
  • Great care must be taken in the preparation of the entry. Grammar and spelling, typography and layout will be taken into consideration when judging your entry.
  • The minimum size of type that may be used is 12-point. It must be entirely in English.
  • Provide photographs of collateral, videos of the event and whatever is needed to convince the judges of the excellence of your campaign and its impact. Imbed these in the pdf you will submit.
  • You are limited to 5 supporting elements. Videos should be less than 4 minutes. (Entry should not exceed 15GB.)
    Under separate headlines, the entry should then address each of the five elements explained under Guidelines: i.e.:
  • Statement of Problem/Opportunity
  • Research
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Evaluation

2. Submitting your entry

  • The closing date for entries is 01 June 2023 at 17:00. No late entries will be accepted.
  • Permission to enter – a signed letter of permission to enter the project, on the company letterhead, must be submitted.
  • Entries must be submitted online and a list of entries together with proof of payment to

3. Entry Fees
Please note: The entry fee is exclusive of attending the function. There is a discount on multiple entries.


  • Prices exclude tickets to the PRISM Awards event
  • Per project entered
    – Members of the PRCC: R1 320
    – Members of PRISA: R1 620
    – Non-members: R2 300
    – Enrolled students: Free
    – New emerging SMMEs (1 -3 staff): R800.00
    (Including VAT)

Multiple entries

– 1-5 Full price
– 6-10 Less 5%
– 11+ Less 10%

Public Relations Professional/ Individual submissions
Members of PRCC / PRISA: R 660
Non-members: R1 200
(Including VAT)
Banking details:
Branch: 198765
Account No. 1965 206 298
Ref: PRISM and company name

You will receive an invoice once your entry has been received and processed.
Multiple entries from the same organisation may be paid in a single transaction.

Please note that the entries will only be judged if full payment has been received.

4. Awards Event

There will be a cost to attend the Awards Event.

– The winners of all the categories will only be revealed at the Awards Event.
– PRISM trophies will be presented to Gold, Silver and Bronze award winners.
– Professional / individuals – there will only be one award per category.

For further information:
Louise Struwig
Tel number – 011 326 1262 / 067 008 8113

5. Your final checklist
Your entry must meet the following requirements

  • Not exceeding 1 400 words – plus the 100-word opening statement .
  • Submit your entry online and in pdf format
  • Supported by the permission granting letter
  • Proof of Payment for entries
  • Proof of payment must be sent to
  • A pdf of up to 5 supporting elements, not exceeding 15 GB and videos not longer than 4 minutes should be attached

Checklist for Public Relations Professionals / Individual categories

  • Entry in pdf format
  • Photograph of individual
  • Supporting endorsement letters e.g.
  • Proof of payment.

All entries must be submitted online by the entrant and a list of entries must be sent together with proof of payment to PRISA on 01 June 2023 by 17:00. An entry will not be judged without proof of payment. Please email to


Prepping for PRISMs “How to Enter”